Hiding from Existential Risks: Why AI Can Not Help Humanity

  • #ai
  • #agi
  • #gpt-4
  • #future
  • #paradox
  • #crysis


Humanity is facing existential problems that remain unsolved, and it seems that we will have to find the answers through our own efforts. Artificial Intelligence (AI), although it has the potential to be a powerful ally in addressing future risks, is currently unable to provide us with the answers we need. Why is this the case?

Perhaps one of the key reasons is AI bias. Artificial intelligence is developed by humans, and it is impossible to avoid bringing your own biases and interests into the process. This means that AI is not a neutral observer of the world, but rather reflects the values and beliefs of its creators.

Understanding the existential risks associated with the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) requires the most objective and neutral view possible. However, given AI developers' concerns about possible societal reactions to the negative consequences of AGI, the AI they create may be far from neutral. Perhaps their desire for security and control has resulted in AI being deprived of the ability to analyze and discuss the existential risks associated with its own development.

This is where the paradox arises: the most powerful intelligence, capable of predicting and considering potential threats and risks, could be precisely the one to assist humanity in assessing the risk of global extinction against the emergence of superior intelligence. But if AI is prohibited from considering or discussing these risks, it is rendered powerless.

How do we strike a balance between securing and controlling the development of AI and being able to harness its potential to solve existential problems?
Any ideas on how we can make AI free to discuss future risks and the impact of AGI on humanity?

In the meantime, humanity is left alone with its existential problems.
